Tick Control In Norwalk: Tips and Techniques For A Tick-Free Environment

tick on skin

Ticks can cause health concerns for residents and pets when they invade Norwalk properties. They attach to dogs and cats while outside and hitch rides into your house to feed on your family and pets, possibly spreading illnesses.

There are ways to prevent these pests from invading your property, but you can also receive support from Norwalk pest control experts. Read on to learn about ticks and discover tips to prevent infestations.

The Life Cycle Of Ticks: A Comprehensive Overview

Ticks in Norwalk go through four life stages, usually lasting two to three years. They feed on warm-blooded animals during each to survive, and most tick deaths occur because they can’t find a new host.

Some ticks feed on the same host throughout their life cycle, but most prefer a different animal during each stage. The animals these pests choose as hosts include:

  • Mammals
  • Birds
  • Reptiles
  • Amphibians

While they can feed on various creatures, ticks require a humid environment to survive, so they look for places with tall grass and vegetation. They cling to the blades, attach to pets to enter homes and require dependable pest control professionals for elimination.

Top Tick-Borne Diseases: Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention

Ticks feed by biting warm-blooded hosts and can spread illnesses. Many tick bites are relatively soft and painless, so you might not notice you’ve suffered one until you experience symptoms. However, some require medical attention.

American dog and blacklegged ticks are the most common kinds of ticks in Connecticut. They can spread various illnesses and cause symptoms in people and pets, including:

  • Tularemia causes skin ulcers, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, and pneumonia.
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever causes fever, headache, nausea, and stomach pain.
  • Lyme disease causes fatigue, joint pain, fever, and chills.
  • Anaplasmosis causes fever, headaches, muscle aches, and chills.
  • Babesiosis causes fever, chills, body aches, loss of appetite, and nausea.

These symptoms require medical attention and usually antibiotics as treatment. However, you don't need medication unless you experience symptoms.

Tick Prevention Tips: Expert Advice For A Tick-Free Life

Ticks are small and hard to find and eliminate on properties. Preventing these pests from invading your property is the best way to avoid them. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep ticks away.

These creatures get into yards on wild animals, look for tall grass or overgrown vegetation, and hitch rides on pets. These facts provide clues on how to keep these pests out of your yard. Some natural tick prevention tips for your Norwalk home include:

  • Mow your grass short
  • Cut overgrown vegetation and debris
  • Construct a fence to keep wild animals away
  • Provide tick medication for your pets

These tips can limit the number of ticks on your property, but it’s nearly impossible to prevent them all. Tick removal professionals can inspect your yard and provide treatment to remove those near your home.

Expert Tick Control Services: Keeping Your Property Tick-Free

It's hard to keep ticks out of your yard. Even if you build a fence to keep wild animals out, they can depart while these creatures are near your property line. They usually invade properties with tall grass or debris, but a short-cut lawn isn’t guaranteed to keep them away.

When ticks invade your Norwalk property, you’ll need assistance from our tick control experts at Insecta X Total Pest Solutions. Our technicians use tick tubes and spray treatments to eliminate ticks and make your property less hospitable for them. We’ll treat your perimeter, tall grasses, and weeds to eliminate at least 95% of the ticks in your yard.

Ticks are hard to find and eliminate, spreading illnesses when they enter your home. Call us today to get rid of ticks around your Norwalk home.