How Squirrels In Norwalk Could Damage Your Property


We know it well, the black squirrel: the roadside attraction of sightseers who are promised that Norwalk is the black squirrel capital. There can be a certain fondness for squirrels because they are a part of our town identity. However, though they are cute rodents, they are still rodents and capable of carrying serious diseases and damaging your property. Encouraging a squirrel by feeding it will make it more likely to stick around, and while that may be desirable for some, if you want the squirrels to give you some space, you might need some extra advice and protection to keep them out of your yard. To learn more about black squirrels, the threats they pose to health and property, and ways to remove them safely, continue reading.

Are Squirrels Considered Rodents?

Cute rodents, yes, but still rodents. Black squirrels, like other yard rodents, may cause indiscriminate damage. The teeth of a rodent never stop growing, so chewing is a constant need for them to keep their teeth down to size. This means that wires, insulation, bird feeders, wood siding, walls, vents, screens, and fruit or nuts from your trees are all vulnerable to being chewed. 

Aside from structural damage, squirrels are also one of the lesser-known vectors of the bubonic plague. Some other diseases they carry include tularemia and typhus. While they’re not as likely to transmit diseases themselves, they may carry fleas and ticks, which are much more likely to spread disease. For this reason, coming into close contact with squirrels or allowing pets near them is not a good idea. While it’s perfectly okay to enjoy wildlife from a distance, it’s important to keep in mind that squirrels are wildlife and not pets.

How To Prevent Squirrels

Yard rodents like squirrels are attracted to the food in your yard. Different rodents may prefer slightly different cuisine, but for the most part, fruits and nuts are their food of choice. Squirrel prevention, then, comes down to reducing the attractiveness of your yard and keeping them from choosing your attic or chimney to get warm. To keep different rodents, but especially black squirrels, out of your yard and house, try these prevention methods:

  • Screen under eaves, overlapping sections of roofing, or knotholes to keep squirrels from gaining access to the building.
  • You can attempt to protect the fruit or nuts of a tree by placing netting around the tree.
  • Get squirrel-proof bird feeders.
  • Cover your tree trunks with about six feet of metal to keep them from jumping from ground to tree. 
  • Keep tree limbs cut back from the roof.

You can do whatever you can to exclude black squirrels from your property, but they are often determined and agile creatures, and DIY methods may not be effective. Local wildlife removal may be the best choice to get the squirrels away from your property.

How To Remove Squirrels

Wildlife control services are designed to keep you and the squirrels safe from each other. Insecta X Total Pest Solutions practices safe and humane local wildlife removal through exclusion, trapping, and baiting to keep your property free of wildlife. At Insecta X Total Pest Solutions, we know that black squirrels are a source of joy for Norwalk residents, but the health and safety of the residents of this city are our first priority. For assistance controlling the squirrel population around your property, call Insecta X Total Pest Solutions to discuss our humane wildlife relocation services meant to keep you safe without a cost to the environment.