What To Do About Wasps In Your Norwalk Yard

stinging insect

Many people enjoy traveling all over this great country of ours; some find the quiet of their backyards to be just the relaxation they need. A beautifully manicured yard with a hammock lazily blowing in the wind makes for an ideal place to rest and relax. It’s in these moments of rest that all seems right with the world until you see a wasp nest hanging right above you.

Common Wasps In Norwalk And Their Dangers

A significant component to combating wasps is knowing what kind is living on your property. While wasps (hornets) are essential for pollination, they can become hazardous to your health when they build nests around homes.

Four common wasps in the Norwalk area include:

  1. Eastern Cicada Killer Wasp: One of the largest wasps in North American, their sizes range from 1 1/8 to 1 5/8 inches long. They have a hefty body that is black and marked by yellow to white stripes. Their legs are brownish, but their torso and head are dark red. Females tend to dig nesting holes in sunny areas where vegetation is sparse and soil is well-drained.

  2. Eastern Yellow Jacket: This wasp is black and yellow with black antennae; it is slightly larger than a bee. Most yellow jackets build nests underground, although nests can be aerial. Aerial nests are generally in tree cavities, tree stumps, and sometimes on the side of buildings.

  3. Paper Wasp: Paper wasps have a body shape similar to the yellow jacket; its waist is slimmer. While many species have bright and bold markings, it is generally brown with some yellow colors. Usually, nests are in sheltered locations.

  4. Bald-Faced Hornet: This hornet looks like a yellow jacket, but its body is black with a white face. In the wasp family, it is the largest. These wasps build aerial nests similar to yellow jackets and paper wasps (only closed – no hole).

Little-Known Ways Wasps Are Attracted To Your Norwalk Yard

Wasps invade your yard because it is appealing. If homeowners are not careful, they can inadvertently invite wasps to come to their yard and set up a nest.

Some areas that attract wasps to your yard include:

  • Large numbers of insects that are tasty to wasps
  • Yardage providing a safe place to establish a nest
  • Flowers and plants (marigolds, yarrow, sweet fennel, forsythia, and Queen Anne’s lace)
  • Fallen and ripe fruit
  • Sugary fruits and foods

How To Reduce/Eliminate Wasps From Your Norwalk Yard

The more attractive something is, the more we are drawn to it; wasps are no different. If you make your yard beautiful, "they will come." There are some things homeowners can do to make their property less attractive.

Seven ways to keep yards unattractive to wasps include:

  1. Remove garbage frequently; keep outside trash bins tightly covered.

  2. Plant foliage that helps deter wasps.

  3. Check landscaping for wasp harborage points; fill holes in your yard, keep shrubs and limbs trimmed.

  4. Use silicone-based caulk to seal all cracks, gaps, and crevices around your home.

  5. Fix any damaged screens or vents where wasps could establish a nest.

  6. Remove any overripe fruit and fruit on the ground from fruit trees.

  7. Keep sugary drinks and foods covered when outdoors.

The Best Solution To Your Norwalk Wasp Problem

Most wasps are not interested in you until you disturb their nests; then, they can get quite aggressive. It is best not to mess with them. Let the professionals at Insecta X Total Pest Solutions handle the situation efficiently and, most importantly, safely. Call Insecta X Total Pest Solutions today for a quote on wasp removal.