How Dangerous Are Tick Bites In Norwalk?

big rash

We are taught from a young age when to be cautious and when to let our guard down. When you cross the road, you look both ways so that you don’t get hit. However, you are less likely to look both ways for danger before crossing a hiking path because of fewer perceived threats. What you might not stop to think about is that ticks are everywhere, and these pests pose a serious risk when conditions are right. Here is what you should know about the ticks in Norwalk and just how dangerous their bites are.

Why Ticks Bite

Ticks are slow-moving, parasitic pests. A parasite is a living creature that relies on other organisms to survive and uses them in negative ways. In the case of ticks, these pests steal blood from both people and animals. If you have ever found a tick latched onto your body, you already know what we are talking about. One thing many people do not know about these parasites is that it takes a while for them to feed. If left unchecked, they will consume blood for several days before dropping off a host. This amount of time depends on the age of the tick and whether it is female or male.

Do Ticks Spread Disease?

Because ticks feed off human and animal blood, they risk picking up dangerous disease-causing organisms. They pick these organisms up most often from woodland creatures. Unless you are a tick’s first meal, every time you receive a bite, there is a risk you will contract a harmful and sometimes life-changing sickness.

What Ticks Live In Norwalk

Something you should know about ticks is that different species pose different threats. To help you identify species of ticks around Norwalk, here are the two that live in our area and the diseases they carry and spread.

American Dog Tick

The American dog tick is 3/16 of an inch long, fully grown, and 5/8 of an inch long when engorged. You can further identify this pest by its brown coloration and gray to whitish markings. If an American dog tick ever bites you, you might run the risk of contracting Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, or tularemia.

Black-Legged Tick

The black-legged (deer) tick is 1/8 of an inch long and larger when engorged. This pest is an orange-brown color and has dark legs. You might also notice a darker circle located just behind its head. Diseases you might contract from a black-legged tick include anaplasmosis and Lyme disease.

Six Prevention Tips For Ticks

  1. Trim your grass regularly and keep up with your shrubs and greenery.
  2. Remove clutter from your yard and clean up things like leaf piles, sticks, and other thick undergrowth.
  3. Install a fence around your yard and garden to keep out tick-carrying wildlife.
  4. Make sure to seal your home’s exterior properly.
  5. When spending time outdoors, apply bug repellent to your body.
  6. Tuck your pant legs into your socks before going out into potentially tick-infested areas.

What To Do If Ticks Get Into Your Norwalk Home

There are only two ways to keep you, your family, and your pets safe from ticks. The first is to make sure your pets have proper protection. Talk to your vet if you are not sure what tick prevention treatment would be best for your furry friends. As for you and your family, the best thing you can do is make sure your home and property stay tick-free by hiring a pest control professional. At Insecta X Total Pest Solutions, we offer a range of services to eliminate and prevent dangerous ticks and will be happy to put our experience to work for you.

Contact us today to learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control service options.